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Stop Press: Easter is a RELIGIOUS festival… oh & btw so is Christmas

26 Mar

News Flash: So a Travelodge survey finds that half of all kids think Easter is about bunnies & chocolate. I’m not surprised.

I’m getting fed up with this constant pushing of treats to our children on religious festivals with barely – or any – mention of the god-connection.

In a world where (some) parents are trying really hard to convince their children that the whole world does not revolve around treats – either of the present or chocolate variety – these religious festivals are just becoming insane.

Christmas is about the birth of Christ, Easter marks the resurrection. It’s not complicated but it is Christian. As a Jew (loosely speaking) I want my children to learn about all religions and their significant dates – I fundamentally believe that this is the only way to break down barriers in the long term. Why can they not be taught this first and foremost in schools and nurseries, rather than the main event being the present or the food associated with it. It’s all completely back to front?

But more than that, in another way, the less we mark their religious significance, the more these events become solely centred around the commercial. So Christmas is now all about Santa, stockings full of presents and chocolates on the tree rather than baby Jesus, a stable, wise men etc. Similarly Easter is now solely about chocolate for many children. I have not heard my kids mention Jesus at all yet. My three year old’s Easter party this afternoon consisted of a tea and Easter egg hunt. He ate 2 sandwiches, 1 piece of sponge with chocolate icing, one chocolate nest, one chocolate biscuit, one chocolate bunny and some hot cross bun. Not a single mention of what Easter is really about. Seriously not one.

I’m fed up with it, not only does it engender religious ignorance, but it also undermines the healthy eating message we so desperately need to impart to our children and the ability to help them learn to make the right eating choices. Schools and nurseries providing food like this is not a treat – it is condoning this type of food in a child’s brain and as such is very damaging to ‘the main message’.

However although it probably sounds like it, I’m not a food-puritan  – I am happy for my children to have the odd bit of chocolate – but why should it always be the nursery or school who gives it – it’s only Tuesday and my kids have already had way too much chocolate than is good for them this week from school and nursery respectively.

Why should I not be the one able to spoil them on Sunday, once they have been taught at their various schools and nurseries what it is all about. The trouble is, if treats happen every day they become the norm and so not only lose their treat value, but also make our kids fat, spotty, moody, ill and sluggish.

Surely, it should be a parent’s prerogative to ‘treat’ their child if, when and how they choose – the fact that everyone else now feels this is the part of the festival to highlight means that by the time many parents get their turn, the kids should not be having those treats as it will be completely over-doing it.

Eating on the Kings Road

21 Mar

Visited the great road for the first time in yonks to find El Dar shutting up shop 😦 and NOWHERE else to eat for what seemed like miles – that is unless you want frozen yoghurt (yes with an H) from Snog or Zap or Frap or whatever the hell they’re all called. Most peculiar. Could it be something to do with the beautiful ladies of Chelsea’s aversion to calories other than in bubbly we wondered as we stumbled, starving, along the road.

So flustered by the lack of eateries, we nearly settled for the uninspiring middle class McDonalds, Pizza Express, but then stumbled across the Vietnamese in the square opposite Heals – called something Phat Phuc, definitely unpronouncable to non-Vietnamese speakers like myself unless you want friends to think you’re shouting obscenities at them, especially if they’re a little on the chunky side.

BUT the food was fab – proper Laksa with four lovely juicy king prawns, or chicken pho which looked insipid but had those super fresh flavours of oriental soups and great prawn dumplings all washed down with a bottle of cold peroni beer. Two for lunch for £24 – that’s gotta be the best value eats on the Kings Road  – I’ll miss El Dhar but what a find.

Amuse-d Bouche

14 Nov

Amuse-ing that’s for sure.

Wow! Did anyone hear there’s a recession on? Not at Amuse Bouche last night- never seen so many young blonde twiglets quaffing bubbly living the Fulham life – it hasn’t moved on a jot from the New Labour boom years nearly a decade and a half ago, when I was living the young single life in that part of town.

It’s surreal going back to somewhere that just hasn’t changed. i’ve always thought that part of town was rather bizarrely immune to trends of any description, carrying on regardless as London burns so to speak. Meanwhile my life has moved on so quickly. So to go back and get a snapshot of exactly what I’d been doing nearly two decades ago is a most peculiar experience. The girls all so immaculately dressed and coiffed, the boys all in polo ralph lauren tshirts or white stuff gear, lots of big white teeth, perfect smiles, lots of people believing they’re ‘it’.

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, but just that I’ve had to grow out of it. We had dinner beforehand at Cote (I can’t drink on an empty stomach anymore), we left by 10.30, I was woken at six by two lively kids raring to go, and then cooked a lunch for ten today.

Our friends by contrast stayed drinking fizz till close, went back to a mates and drank etc till dawn.

A watershed moment in life, but like the murphy’s, I’m not bitter, I had a decade or more of doing just that, and it’s great fun, I’m just not up to it anymore. I’ve also realised I’m a garrulous bore when I’m drunk – not a great look for me.

I must’ve moved on when I wasn’t looking.