Timeshare industry faces a new era

Timeshare industry faces a new era

Tuesday 10 October 2006 10:39

Marketing and branding consultant Lawrence Hefler, founder of Hefler International, has identified seven key trends that will transform the timeshare industry in the next few years.

He said: “The upcoming years will bring about a new era in the timeshare industry; one that embraces branding, diversity, globalisation, digital media and more.

“Some companies will fall short, while forward-thinking companies that engage in more education and compliance will win the hearts and minds of the buyer, their friends, their family, and most importantly, create brand advocacy.”

The seven key trends he announced at the Vacation Ownership Investment Conference in Orlando last week were:

Glocalization – major brands will start developing brands in new markets worldwide but will adapt their brands and products to local cultures.

Brandsharing – Increasing focus on developing strategic partners for co-branding, marketing and data sharing.

Postviewing – where media such as TV and radio will be utilised to target localised audiences and face to face marketing will supersede telemarketing to personally connect with consumers.

Demobrandics – which will further segment the baby boomer market and allow for the emergence of preview centres, which will enable self-guided information gathering about timeshare products.

Maxi-vacs – the replacement of one dimensional marketing tools with multimedia technologies allowing customers to use all their senses to learn about the product.

E-mmunities – websites will become more user friendly, interactive and focused on creating lead generations and managing rental inventories online.

TPG – trust per guest – a general move towards more attention to standards, ethics and general best practice to avoid customer dissatisfaction.


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